It's Time To Move It Move It! ZUMBA!

Have you been feeling a little down, but not sure what could make it better? Sometimes the cold, dreary weather causes us to feel unmotivated and sad. Sometimes getting up, moving around, getting your blood flowing and having fun can make you smile and even give you a work out, if you get really into it! Check out a FREE Virtual Zumbo workout on February 5th. Have fun and get a great workout in the comfort of your own home. 

At 7 pm on Friday, February 5th Ms. Rosa Seward, a certified personal trainer and owner of Brickhouse Fitness will be instructing the Zumba class! Grab your water bottle and get ready to Zumba!!

This class is being hosted by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® and they will be accepting donations for Pink Goes Red. The women will be wearing red for the day to raise awareness against heart disease and promote life style changes that will increase the health of women worldwide!

Register and learn more here!!

Drive-in Movies for the Kids, Kid-free Nights for the Adults?! Win-win!

Tired of sitting on the sofa and falling asleep watching a movie? Change it up! Bring the kids out for a FREE, family movie night! You'll hear the movie playing through your car radio and a food truck will be available for dinner! Gates will open at 5pm, movie will start at 6pm at Old Mill Park in Fredericksburg, Virginia. First movie will be Frozen II on January 9th. Followed by Jumanji: the Next Level showing Friday, February 19th and finally Trolls World Tour will close out the show on Saturday, March 6.   Please visit here for the most up to date information.

And for those of you who are looking for more of 'kid-free' type of fun adventure night, check out the re-occurring Un-family Friendly Family Feud at Adventure Brewing Company. Enjoy some craft beer while watching your friends play the classic TV-show game and even join in yourself for a chance to win prizes! The Feud night begins Thursday, January 7th with the game starting at 8PM and will continue weekly, until posted otherwise. Check here for the most up to date information. Social distancing and masks will be required! 

"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!" is Here!

Tickets sell out quickly to the season's brightest and socially distant holiday activity for all! The Bull Run Festival of Lights is a 2.5 mile safe, self-drive through a festive holiday light display. Save money by only having to buy one ticket per vehicle. Each entry ticket is associated with a certain reserved time to remain safe for all patrons. Show is open from Monday through Thursday 5:30pm-9:30pm. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holiday nights 5:30pm-10pm. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets!! They sell out quickly!!

Once you've enjoyed this show, check out the other two NOVA Parks trio of winter special events including: Meadowlark's Winter Walk of Lights that you physically walk thru instead of drive; and Cameron Run's Ice & Lights that will feature ice skating and fun photo opportunities! 

Concert in Lights is a FREE light show that occurs annually at the Spotsylvania Town Center in Fredericksburg, Virginia. In your warmest winter attire, bring your family or friends to see shows nightly at 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, and 9pm until December 24th. Beautiful lights and music for both children and adults to get into the spirit of the holiday season! Temperatures are dropping chilly at night now so be sure to bring hot chocolate or a warm coffee from your favorite local vender to keep you warm! Click here for more information!


It's a Frightful and Fun, Family Movie Night! 

Do you have any plans yet for the night before Halloween? Join the fun, October 30th at Dixon Park for a free double feature movie night featuring the Addams Family and "US". The Addams Family will begin promptly after dark around 6:15pm followed by "US" at 8:30pm.  You must be at least 17 with a photo ID or have a parent escort you to see the last showing. Food truck will be on site with 100 meals, FREE. Wear your costume and also get to take FREE pictures at the photo booth! Enjoy some delicious candy and food while enjoying your featured films. Everything will be ready for you and your family and friends so come one, come all! And you read that right - FREE movies and snacks! Get out of the house and enjoy the fresh, cool October night while (social-distancing) and surrounded by your friends and loved ones. The following day (Saturday, October 31) aka Halloween, from 3pm - 5pm there will be music and skating offered at Roller Hockey Rink at Dixon Park. Snacks & treats will be provided but you must bring your own skates! Pre-registration is required for this event. Check out more family friendly upcoming events in Fredericksburg and Stafford at:

Explore & Fall in Love with Stafford, Virginia!

Government Island is referred to as a "hidden gem" this trail walks you through the woods on an asphalt trail and is safe for all ages. Parking is easy and the best part - it's free! Come explore this well-maintained park by yourself or with your family. Hike around the island and take photographs, learn the history, and enjoy nature. Bikes are allowed as are dogs so long as they are on a leash. Their GPS address is: 191 Coal Landing Rd, Stafford, VA 22554-5105 and website here.

Another beauty worth checking out, is Crow's Nest Natural Area Preserve located at: 81 Raven Rd, Stafford, VA 22554. This preservation is considered "highly significant" as there are numerous standpoints. There are deep ravines and tidal marshes along the bordering creeks. With 2 access options for visitors, the Ravel Road Access point features 8 miles of hiking trails with an improved 1.6 mile long entrance road. This particular Road access is open Thursday-Sunday, while the Brooke Road Access point is open 7 days a week. This Road access point offers a shoreline birding and nature trail and an ADA-accessible canoe/kayak launch facility! Check out their website here.

We encourage you, your friends and family to get out while the fall weather is approaching and enjoy the natural beauty of nature changing as the weather does. Always check their websites prior to making the trip to ensure they are open. Due to COVID-19 their daily hours of operation may change.

Fresh Food, Fresh Air and Free Movie Night!

Things may not be back to "normal" but we are working our way there. If you're tired of having been stuck inside with the lack of events or "things to do" in the area, that time has changed! The Fredericksburg's Farmer's Market is back in action! Every Saturday, Monday and Tuesday from 7AM to 1PM and Wednesday through Friday 7AM to 3PM. Located at Hurkamp Park at the intersection of Prince Edward and George Street in Fredericksburg! If you've been missing your favorite local sweets, baked goods, and local goodies, they're back and they've been missing you too! They are typically open rain or shine, so bring an umbrella so you don't miss the deliciousness waiting for you. There are even some new vendors offering delicious elixirs, beautiful flower bouquets, and mushrooms from local Semper Fi Fungi. Come out and support your community!

Another kid-friendly event coming up is an outdoor movie night! The City of Fredericksburg is hosting a "Space Jam Movie Night" for FREE at the back of the soccer field in Dixon Park from 6:30PM to 9PM. Friday, September 11th. You heard that right, FREE! Face masks are required while using the facilities (restrooms, food truck, walking to your sets, etc) and they will have spaces marked for families/groups to encourage social distancing practices. The US Census, Fredericksburg Parks, Recreation and Events are hosting this event and you can have any questions answered by calling them at 540-372-1086 x0. 

If you decide you are ready to BUY, RENT, or LEASE a home in Fredericksburg, Stafford, or the surrounding areas, be sure to give ME a call at (540) 300-1563.

Do You REALLY Want to Live in A HOA Community?

You're thinking of moving; whether you're buying or renting something to always consider is: do you want to live in a HOA community?

Let's start with 'what does HOA stand for'? HOA stands for Home Owner's Association and there is typically a fee paid by the residents monthly, quarterly or annually. The funds collected typically apply towards maintaining the rules, regulations and standards provided by the Community, as well as Amenities (more about this later).  

There are certainly many pros to having a home in a HOA community but there can be cons as well. What may be a pro to some, could be a con to others. You decide what works best for you.

Let's get to it!

HOAs can help keep up "appearances" in the community. You may have driven down a road and noticed a home full of junk, overgrown grass, and overall displeasing to look at. Imagine that was your neighbor! Living in a HOA community, there are typically rules that homeowners must have their grass below a certain level and cannot have 'eye-sores' that may be unpleasant to look at by others. Formal complaints can be filed & fines can be issued to ensure the Owner will address them. 

Second to appearance, is additional services to help reduce your responsibility. Sometimes those HOA fees/dues can apply to snow removal during those heavy snow winter months. That will certainly save you the time, effort and COST of having to shovel or hire someone else to plow your road! Find out exactly what services the HOA covers and what will be your responsibility.

HOAs may provide amenities! They may offer private Clubhouses, pools, special private events for your Community only, fitness centers, tennis courts, golf courses, etc. *Be sure to ask if there are ADDITIONAL fees for using these services (registration fees, fees for guests, etc.) It can be easy to get excited about all that is offered without digging deeper on the cost associated.

A Con, often overlooked, is the renting ability in a Community. Some HOAs require an additional nominal HOA fee be added if you will be renting out the home. Be sure to ask if this will apply to you, if you plan on renting out a home in a HOA community! As a renter, it's great to ask for yourself if YOU will be responsible to pay the tenant HOA or if the Home Owner will.

Another Con is if an HOA doesn't have enough funds to cover an expense, they may impose an assessment to come up with the money which equals more money out of your pocket! HOA is required to provide you financials and you can see a history of if and when assessments were inflicted upon in the past. 

The final HOA con we have to share with you is a HOA CAN foreclose on your home due to getting behind on the fees. This varies per HOA and it is definitely a question you want to ask in preparation for the worst.

Listed above are only some of the many pros and cons of living in a HOA community. It's smart to ask these HOA questions up front whether you are looking to buy or rent in a HOA community. If you are looking to buy or rent -  we would love the opportunity to assist you with your goals. Give me a call to help you with your journey today - (540) 300-1563

Home Maintenance Ideas During COVID-19

Wondering what you can do from home during COVID-19? Here are a list of some items to check around your home while you are patiently waiting for quarantine to be completely lifted!

Test your smoke detectors! And no, not by starting a fire, but rather check the batteries and confirm they all work properly. (If you are going to be selling soon, this will be good info to pass on to a new homeowner). While you're at it, you should check your carbon monoxide detectors too! Don't know what that is?? Uh oh - click here for more info!

Do you have a chimney? This is a good time to get it cleaned because once fall and winter have arrived, chimney companies are booked for maintenance issues - get ahead of the curve and check them now! (This will ALSO be beneficial information to provide a new homeowner, if you are going to be putting your home on the market!)

Clean the windows! A daunting task that can save you money later. Often "fogged" windows come up in home inspection reports. Are yours "fogged" or just dirty? Avoid this costly mistake by cleaning them!

When is the last time you changed your air filter?? This is a great opportunity to do so! We are hearing all about ways to stay safe and healthy during this vulnerable time and a quick air filter change could make all the difference.

Are you enjoying spending the hot days outside on your deck? Check out the boards while you're out there. Are any rotted or warping? Are there any nails sticking out or loose? If water spills on your deck - does it sink into the wood or do they turn into a puddle? If it sinks into the wood, it's time to consider resealing your deck!

Life is happening now.

It's has never waited for anyone before and it certainly isn't going to start now. Reflecting on your life, are you satisfied with your story? Did you do things you are proud of and want to share your stories and contributions with others? Or are you living in regret? You are in control of your feelings. You can choose to forgive yourself, learn from your mistakes, forgive others, and be happy. This is NOT to be mistaken with there being NO bad days, there is no such thing! There will be bad days, but know this: there will be more GOOD than BAD, if you allow it. What is something you have always wanted to do, but never did? Why didn't you do it? And really think hard about this, why did you NOT do it? Fear? Wrong time? No money? And what has changed now for you? How have you grown since then? You have new eyes, a fresh perspective; take a step back and really examine it and decide whether that is something you need to do now or else will you be thinking "what if" for the rest of your life? Only YOU can decide how important something is or isn't to you. Only YOU will put in the work and effort if it is something YOU truly care about. Life is happening now.

Stuck in Quarantine or Drowning in Opportunity?

There’s two ways to take this lock-down. We’re “stuck” or hey, maybe there’s an opportunity here! Opportunity for what? What can possibly be done during this time? There is so much! If you have children, you can take them for a walk and get some fresh air and sun (weather permitting, of course!). After a couple different times and places doing this can get to be a drag, change it up a bit by creating a scavenger hunt! These are rare times, how often were you able to spend time with your children before?

What a great opportunity for you (and kids, too!) to practice a favorite hobby or sport! Practice by physically practicing at home, perhaps finding some YouTube tutorials or videos on tips to help you improve. Keep your brain and your body active and in shape while safely social distancing from others!

If you’re not ‘athletic’ and have never been comfortable working out, but are interested in ways to stay active, give yoga a try! There are many free videos on YouTube that have lessons for beginners, seniors, kids, all the way to the most advanced yoga classes. (More advanced classes will probably have a fee associated with them)

“You have the world at your finger tips,” take advantage of it! There are numerous classes available online from math and science to cosmetology and other careers and professions. If you would rather opt out of spending the money, there are many free resources too. You were always interested in that ‘one thing’…why not take this time to learn more about it? Even just 30 minutes a day can go a long way! Always be sure to read the websites thoroughly to confirm it is a trusted source as anyone can technically make a website and after affirmation that it is legitimate, get your knowledge on!

There are two ways to accept what we cannot change. We can try to fight it, while possibly hurting ourselves or even others along the way or we can accept it with our heads up and our mind’s open since it’s going to happen anyway.

Stay positive and always remember to practice social distancing when outside!

The Way Of the Future

Is it hard to believe that all forms of ‘cards’ will be eliminated in the future?
We have apps that can hold all our information, soon gas station pumps will have the ability to scan your card on your phone instead of having to swipe the physical card. When would you ever physically need your card after that?

While this is an environmentally friendly option I could get behind, I also have to consider the security risks and you should too. Soon, just like our laptops and computers, we will be buying security for our phones. In case you download a harmful app that is able to gather all your information from your device! And think, what would really be on there?
We most commonly think about someone physically stealing our device. And sure, we can locate it or reset it but what about if someone hacked from the inside? Do you have any security measures? I certainly don’t.

It’s never been something I had thought of before…until I started downloading more apps to help make me more organized and accountable. I researched prior to downloading, reading reviews and customer complaints. Then I started downloading more “money” apps. What I mean by this is you have your BANK info (not your CREDIT card info, which would be a LITTLE bit more safer) but your, BANK info. That has your real-life, hard-earned CASH. Now, who is protecting that??

Location Location Location!

As a REALTOR® we know the importance of location to real estate.

Today I enjoyed the pleasure of  the Stonebridge Beach area not only as a REALTOR® but as a vacationer as well.

Since is the off season I was able to take a morning walk/jog in true peace and tranquility. I had a lot of time to enjoy the sounds of the waves, the warmth of the sun, and the morning greetings from other bystanders.

Then as if a sign from above, I had the privilege to witness the most beautiful view of the sun peaking through the clouds. It was so amazing that I stopped my walk/jog to take this picture.

Then at that very moment the location location location phrase took on a whole new meaning.

Always on a Saturday

In real estate, Saturdays are usually jam packed with real estate to-do’s. Hosting open houses, showing houses, writing contracts , networking for business, etc. During all of these actives, there is always that one common denominator, FOOD. What is the best “food item” to carry or share during these activities?

As real estate to-doer’s we like to be prepared for our clients. I myself used to carry organic granola bars from one of our local grocery stores. That was before  the gluten, peanut and dairy allergies craze( myself included). Since then I dropped the  granola and started carrying gluten and all allergy free pretzels plus water. Yes, water because eating the lovely pretzels makes you thirsty.  Now on most Saturdays my to-do’s are filled with bathroom breaks. The most common rooms in any house my clients are previewing most is the bathroom. Who knew the snacks would dictate what is the most valuable room in a house.


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